Reporting Providence Issues

Concerning issues with residents from Providence:

If there is an incident happening at the moment:

– You may contact Champaign’s Police Chief Timothy Tyler. He wanted us to distribute his direct cell phone number. He is encouraging us all to call or text him (at any time day or night) when issues with Providence residents arise (he lives close). If you have pictures, text those to him as well so he has an idea of who he is looking for.

His phone number is: (217) 530-3659

You may also try Champaigns police’s southwest district commander:
Lt. Andre Davis: (217) 403-6926

If Chief Tyler or Lt. Davis do not answer promptly, please call the non-emergency number:
(217) 333-8911

You may also try Providence’s security for issues (though, may not be as helpful):
(312) 285-4386 or (312) 726-4950

If the incident is a true emergency, please call: 9-1-1

If the incident has already occurred:

(example: you catch something on your cameras from the night before), Chief Tyler encourages us to email him and copy 2 other Champaign officers of the incident.

Please send to:
[email protected] (Chief of Police)
[email protected] (CPD’s southwest district patrol lieutenant)
[email protected] (Deputy Chief of Operations)

Please be sure to still file an online report as well to create a paper trail:

Please also send the board and CBCDR pictures and videos of incidents so that we can send them to Providences’ property managers. They have been issuing lease violations to those they can identify from what we send them. For children and adolescents, they are issuing lease violations to their family.

[email protected]

We would also encourage you to send footage to our neighborhood ambassador, Samuel McCusker. He may be able to help with resolutions.

[email protected]

(217) 689-8563